Definition of Roll call

1. Noun. Calling out an official list of names.

Specialized synonyms: Mail Call, Muster Call, Attendance Check
Generic synonyms: Utterance, Vocalization

Definition of Roll call

1. Noun. the reading aloud of a list of names, and subsequent responses, in order to determine who is present or absent ¹

2. Noun. the time of day fixed for such an event ¹

3. Noun. such an event in a legislative body in order to determine if a quorum exists ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Roll Call

roll-top desk
roll-top desks
roll-tube culture
roll back
roll back the years
roll cage
roll cages
roll call
roll calls
roll down
roll film
roll in
roll in the aisle
roll in the aisles
roll in the hay
roll in wealth
roll mill
roll of tobacco
roll off
roll on
roll one's eyes
roll one's own

Literary usage of Roll call

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, the Rules of the House of Representatives by United States Congress. House, Thomas Jefferson, United States (1904)
"A Member who is listening when his name should be called and fails to hear it is permitted to vote at the end of the roll call, but under other ..."

2. A History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the by John Bach McMaster (1906)
"... vote and decided in the negative, a resolution offered by Rhett was carried, and on the morning of the next, the tenth day, the roll call was completed. ..."

3. Report of Annual Meeting by Innovative Users Group Annual meeting (1912)
"... in our power to make it pleasant for him. [Applause.] PRESIDENT GRIGGS: The Secretary will call the roll of the Affiliated Associations. roll call ..."

4. Revised Record of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York by New York (State). Constitutional Convention (1916)
"Mr. EN Smith — I wish to say that I was here all yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon and I was absent momentarily during the roll call and I would ..."

5. Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and Rules of the House of Representatives by Clarence A. Cannon, United States Congress. House, Thomas Jefferson (1919)
"This roll call may not be interrupted by a motion to dispense with further proceedings under the call (IV, 2992), and a recapitulation of the names of those ..."

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